
September 2020 - Teachers Day and TM

Teachers Day

No matter what, the Coronavirus pandemic has not put allevent/festivals at a respite at Rudrappasamy School. The Schoolhas witnessed one of the most significant event after the onlineclasses commenced on 22nd June 2020.

Our first Virtual Teachers day was celebrated on Saturday,05.09.2020. The team "Science Stars" composed the occasion forall the teachers on Zoom. The program began with thesummoning of the favors of the all-powerful. All the teachers wereinvited and a discourse on the significance of Teacher’s day wasgiven. The team science stars, all students of grade VI and VII,partitioned the teachers into two groups and led different gameson the web. At last group A rose as the champ and the programfinished with a statement of gratitude. The session was soengaging and everybody were so immersed in it that we neglectedto catch those live minutes, however then we don't lament as itwill stay in our souls as a memory for eternity.

Transcendental Meditation

Transcendental Meditation developed by Maharishi MaheshYogi, is a meditation practice in the form of a silent mantra.Research proves that the TM has proven to be effective inrelieving stress and anxiety, improving the function of thebrain and cardio vascular health, overcoming depression andinsomnia, etc., The TM will also help an individual to becomecalm, flexible and a pleasant team worker in both personaland professional life.The initiation of Transcendental Meditation practice for all ourteaching and non-teaching staff was done byShri T C Perumal (Disciple of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi),Secretary, Transcendental Meditation Center, Chetpet,Chennai, on 28th September.Everyone of us in the campus were briefed on the TM processand practical sessions were conducted individually for all thestaff in the school.

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