
October 2020 - Navarathri, Dhrithi


The first navrathri celebrations at Rudrappasamy Schoolcommenced on 16.10.2020. The celebration was named “Dhriti” -which means “Moral, Courage and Steadiness”. The stage wasset and background decorated. The first auspicious formality“arranging the kalasam on the top most step” was initiated by ourCorrespondent Madam, Dr S A Prasanna, followed by ourPrincipal Madam, Mrs J Premila. The formalities were completedby all our staff members, each one of them who arranged thedolls in all the steps to complete it.For the next nine days, the traditional Pooja continued with theofferings of prasadams by all our teachers. This celebration wouldbe incomplete without the students and parents. Considering thecovid19 pandemic and the safety measures, each day a limitednumber of parents and students were invited and to avoid groups,a particular time was specified for each of them.Teachers participated in this celebration with utmost devotion andenthusiasm and Dhandiya dance was performed by few of theteachers on the last day of the celebration.We all feel blessed and content at the end and await for Dhriti2021. Till then we continue to serve our best to the Society withall the blessings of the Goddess.NAVRATHRICELEBRATIONS

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